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Arthritis Treatment

November 14, 2023 112 people Latest news

One common condition that affects your joints is arthritis. It may result in discomfort and inflammation, making movement and continued activity challenging. Arthritis can take many different forms. Treatments for each type may differ and each causes different symptoms. Although it typically affects older adults, arthritis can strike men, women, or even young children. Your joints, or the places where your bones meet and move, are impacted by the illness known as arthritis. Inflammation or joint degeneration (breakdown) are common symptoms of arthritis. When you use the joint, these changes may hurt. Soft tissues support and cushion joints to keep your bones from rubbing against one another. An important component is articular cartilage, a type of connective tissue. Your joints will move more smoothly and painlessly thanks to it. A cushioned pocket of fluid called the synovial membrane lubricates certain joints. Ligaments and tendons provide support for a number of joints, including your knees. Ligaments join bones to other bones, whereas tendon joins your muscles to your bones.

For more details please contact us at +919823064888

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